The Lupulin Exchange is a community of buyers and sellers that employs a peer rating system that is one component of each seller's profile score.
Sellers, here are some keys to keeping your ratings positive:
- Avoid delays - buyers want their hops to arrive ASAP
- Ship hops right away (if hops are at your brewery)
- Review & submit Purchase Orders right away (if hops are at your broker)
- Create & maintain listings carefully
- Verify the hops for sale match your listing (correct crop year, brand, variety, etc.) and are available for immediate shipment
- Maintain accurate listings - edit or deactivate listings that are no longer available/correct
- Good communication with buyers
- Message the buyer to notify them of any problem/delay and work with them to find an equitable solution
- Respond promptly to messages from buyers
- Be polite and treat others the way you'd like to be treated
- Understand what you've signed up for. Familiarize yourself with: